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Andrea Ho, Commercial Lead for TRENDER
Meet Andrea Ho

Commercial Lead of TRENDER

What do you love most about your work at TRENDER?

As the Commercial Lead for TRENDER, ZALORA's Data Service that provides business intelligence to brand partners, it brings me joy to be able to provide them with quality insights of their ZALORA sales, customer and product information.

As a B2B service platform, we constantly strive to give our brand partners and sellers more informative data in order for them to better understand their customers' behaviour which would in turn help to boost their sales.

What are some of the challenges you face at work?

There are definitely some data boundaries that we have to adhere to even if it is information that our brand partners strongly request for. Some examples are Competitor Data as well as their own brand ranking within ZALORA. As much as we would like to help our brand partners understand their brand positioning within ZALORA, we are also legally not able to disclose any brands' data to other brands, nor provide any sort of data to them which could potentially expose ZALORA's revenue / expenses.

What is one thing about the ZALORA Data Services that you are the proudest of?

I am proud that TRENDER has become an established Data Analytics platform for our brand partners and that we have been able to provide them with necessary data insights that they require, including customised sales reports.

What is not commonly known that you believe deserves more awareness from brand partners?

TRENDER is not just a data analytics platform with static data information, but it is a customisable platform service whereby brand partners are able to request for customised reports that would better suit their business needs.

*provided that they subscribe to our Platinum package.

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